Saturday, September 27, 2008

#3 Number of pyramids in Egypt: the Principal Three

There are from 60 to 70 pyramids in Egypt, chiefly in the neighbourhood of Memphis. Some of them are nearly perfect, some more or less in ruins, but most of them still preserving their ancient shape, when seen from afar. Two of them greatly exceed all the others in their dimensions, and are appropriately designated as "the Great Pyramid" and "the Second Pyramid." A third in their immediate vicinity is of very inferior size, and scarcely deserves the pre-eminence which has been conceded to it by the designation of "the Third Pyramid."

1 comment:

Egyptian Girl said...

I must firstly say that I do personally find this blog interesting as ancient Egypt has always fascinated me even as a child. However i must disagree with your comment about the third pyramid not befitting of the title the "Third Pyramid" . Although it appears inferior in size and only named so because of its proximity, the three pyramids together represent what scholars in the archeao-astronomy field claim as the most important of all pyramids. Their construction coincides with the belief that the Egyptians once thought the constellation Orion to be the gateway to heaven and thus the pyramids were built directly below and replicating possibly the brightness of the stars back then by building each one differently sized.


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